The Body Spirit Soul Code

The Zodiac Sign of Aries by Mohamed Nadeem

15/02/2011 12:06

There are a total of 24 signs in the zodiac.


Twelve of these represents original zodiac while the other twelve represents a blend of two zodiac sign from the original twelve.


The twenty four zodiac signs are as follows:


  1. Aries --------------- WE ARE HERE
  2. Aries – Taurus
  3. Taurus
  4. Taurus – Gemini
  5. Gemini
  6. Gemini – Cancer
  7. Cancer
  8. Cancer – Leo
  9. Leo
  10. Leo – Virgo
  11. Virgo
  12. Virgo – Libra
  13. Libra
  14. Libra – Scorpio
  15. Scorpio
  16. Scorpio – Sagittarius
  17. Sagittarius
  18. Sagittarius – Capricorn
  19. Capricorn
  20. Capricorn – Aquarius
  21. Aquarius
  22. Aquarius – Pisces
  23. Pisces
  24. Pisces – Aries




Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.


It takes its name from the Greek god of war and is represented by the Ram.


The quality of these sign is Cardinal. Cardinal signs are the initiators and motivators. They represent a drive to move and carry on. They are people who are the starters and initiators of project and assignments. However they are not good at completing what they start. The other Cardinal signs in the zodiac are Cancer, Libra and Capricorn


The element ruling this sign is Fire. Fire represents inspiration. Anything with the fire element in it always rises above. Human with “Fire” in them always inspire people with their enthuthiam. Their presence ignites the fire in the others. The earth too has its fiery element. See the smoke rising from hot spring. Volcano spew out fiery lava when they errupt. Jagged peaks of the mountains and hill also rise above the earth reaching for the sky. The other zodiac signs with the Fire Element are Leo and Sagittarius.


Aries rules the day


The planet Mars rules the sign of Aries. It also rules the sign of Scorpio in conjunction with the planet Pluto. Mars represent energy and physical drive. When the fiery nature of the Aries sign combines with the energy giving Mars it brings out forcefulness and aggression. In the physical dimension it rules sexuality and action.


Traditionally, Mars and Saturn were known as the planets of misfortune. Mars represented misfortune in a minor way while Saturn represented it in a major way.


As I recounted earlier that any planets near the earth was referred to as a ‘lowly’ or earthly planet. Mars being near the earth is referred to be the same. Since this planet rules assertiveness and aggression, the results of actions under their cosmic rays are fights, wars and bloodshed.


In which house does your planet Mars fall in the astrological brain model chart?


Mars in any of the Fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and Leo) means this assertion and aggression instincts are fixed in the individual psychological make up. So there is a lot of hard work for this individual to change this part of their nature.


Mars represents a behavioral pattern which we need to control and channel into the right field. Failure to do so may lead to poor relationship with oneself and others. Mars also represents angers and forceful will. People who have not learnt to harmonize with this aspect of their selves will have anger and aggression issues


War and warriors are associated with this planet.


The Aries sign also rules the First House. The First House is the house of the self. It portrays how we show and express our selves to others. The self represents all that make up you. Your style, your way of talking, habits, how you walk, what you wear and everything to do with oneself comes into the territory of the First House.


The Key phrase for the sign of Aries is I AM.


It represents the birth of consciousness. People with planets in this sign have an urge to explore and to find out. For example, a crawling baby will explore his environment with his newly found ability of crawling. It doesn’t know that its dangerous to crawl near the fireplace or its just safe to move around the vicinity of the walls of his crib. He has to find out. At this stage the conscious is fresh and has not been programmed. The conscious will learn through exploring.


Aries sign gives you freshness and lots of energy and vitality (energy of Mars) to find out I AM “this” or “that”. Since their consciousness is fresh they might not be aware of the consequences of their actions. They are good starters but bad enders. They can start a firm, a project or a relation with full force only to realize later that they don’t know how to carry along the idea they had initiated.


Since Aries represents the birth of conciousness it should always seek help and guidance from the people of other zodiac signs so that can complete what they had started. They rarely take guidance because of their fiery nature (Mars) and they often come down to ruthlessness and aggression. They go through life with lots of energy and physical vitality. They recuperate very fast from sickness due to abundance of vitality (This recuperation abilities are magnified in the sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by both Mars and Pluto). They are prone to headaches and migrane.


Arians are also prone to accidents involving fire and sharp items.


Aries is a masculine sign. It is of Yang nature



The total zodiac is represented by a circle of 360 degrees. If we divide this circle into twelve equal pies then each sign will be represented by a pie of 30 degrees.


A full sign of Aries is represented by a pie of 30 degrees. We further divide this pie to three equal pies of 10 degrees. Each three compartment of the 30 degrees pie is refered to as a DECAN


Each Decan has its own energy characteristic which comes about by blending the energy of the main ruler and the sub ruler. So if you are an Aries and you are born in the second decan then your individuality will be different compared to a person who was born in the first and third decans. Each Decans bestows us freshness and uniqueness only common to that decan and not the other two.


The Decans of Aries are as follows:

  1. First Decanate : The keyword for this Decanate is inspiration. It is sub-ruled by the planet Mars. The blending of the energy of the main ruler and the subruler (both Mars) gives people born here a dominant and aggressive streak. It starts from March 21st to March 31st.
  2. Second Decante: The key word for this Decanate is Innovation. It is sub-ruled by the Sun. The blending of the energy of the planet Mars and the Sun gives people born in this decanate vitality (sun) and tons of energy (Mars) which results into magnetic personality. It starts from 1st April to 10th April.
  3. Third Decanate: The key word for this Decanate is Foresight. It is sub-ruled by the planet Jupiter. The expansive nature of the planet Jupiter and the energetic spike of Mars gives the people born in this decanate a love for travel and a love for freedom. Whatever expands ones personal freedom by an iota is found very engaging by them. It starts from April 11th to April 19th.



Are you pure Aries?


What do you mean?


Arians born between March 21st June to March 25th are Arians with Pisces tendencies while Arians born between 15th April and 19th April are Arians with Taurus tendencies. As the sun moves from one zodiac to another it usually blends the quality of the outgoing zodiac with the one its moving into.


During 15th April and 19th April the sun has begun its transition to the next zodiac Taurus but it’s not quite their. These 5 days are a sort of station area for Aries and Taurus. This transit area is referred to as Cusps in astrology



The major character trait of an Arian is their courage. How can they not be courageous when they have the fire element and warrior energy from Mar. This gives them unstoppable supply of energy to go on with life. So when you meet a bubbly personality oozing with enthuthiasm and energy then be not mistaken that the person is an Arian.


With such energy taking and diving into challenges is their second nature. They might dive into a prospect or something without much of a thought. An Arian does not think with thoughts but with force.


If they have an idea they will spring to action. They are very impatient and dominnering if someone comes in there way. You cant talk sense to them when they are in the “la la la” land of their ideas. They must do it anyway and find out for themselves. The idea here is to experience life first hand from ones experience.


“When anger raises its voice wisdom is struck dumb” is an adage made for Arians. Anger and aggressiveness are streaks from planet Mars and this tinge of Mars is found in Arians. If then can control their aggressive nature then they could rise to new heights. They make good warriors. A career in security or military can be a good option for them. They view life from the scope of getting control of a situation. They gain control by their sheer will and force.


As we all know control is nothing but illusion.


All Arians come to experience the truth after expending their force with whatever life presents them.


The most important trait they should add to their character is PATIENCE.   


You must learn that action without much thought (patience : Look before you leap) is waste of your talent. That’s why you can be a good pioneer or founder of a project but when it comes to finishing or make the project going you often raise up your hands in defeat. You must remember that force used in well mapped plan often reaps good results then to go with the whim to satisfy a desire without much thought. So think out your way before walking on it, and think about it patiently


Since Aries are addicted to high surges of energy they can often get addicted to alcohol or drugs which gives them this temporary hike in energy. Parents who have Arians children should keep a watchful eyes for any addictive behaviour in their kids. They can also spend easily whatever they earn. Spending to get a temporary high is also their nature and they should be thought a lesson or two on the importance of savings.


  • Courageous – Main trait
  • Domineering
  • Quick tempered
  • Violent
  • Intolerant
  • Pioneering
  • Impulsive
  • Hasty
  • Arrogant
  • Brusque
  • Brash
  • Competitive
  • Eager
  • Dynamic
  • Lives in the NOW
  • Independent




We all know our family members. You know your father, mother, brother, sisters, uncles and aunts. We interact with them daily. Who are you closest to in your family? Who inspires you the most? With whom in your family is your relation “just” ok?


Do you know your “family members” of your greater home, the solar system?


Let’s go and meet them


There are a total of ten members in our whole solar system. The members are as follows:

1.      Sun

2.      Moon

3.      Mercury

4.      Venus

5.      Earth (We are here)

6.      Mars

7.      Jupiter

8.      Saturn

9.      Uranus

10. Neptune

11. Pluto


I will tell you more about each of these members so that you could know them better. We will discuss the effects of the Sun and Moon in details. The rest of the planets will be discussed briefly. Anyone interested further on this area of discussion should research the appropriate subjects.


The members of our solar system and what they represent in Astrological Psychology

  1. Sun – Keyword is inner self
  2. Moon – Keyword is emotions
  3. Mercury – Keyword is reasoning
  4. Venus – Keyword is Affection
  5.  Mars – Keyword is Energy
  6. Jupiter – Keyword is Expansion
  7. Saturn – Keyword is Patience and Teacher
  8. Uranus – Keyword is Awakening
  9. Neptune – Keyword is Intuition
  10. Pluto – Transformation


So far we have discussed the effect of the sun in the sign of Aries. What happens when instead of the sun your moon or another planet is in the sign?


How will the energy of the moon blend with the energy of the planet Mars?


Imagine Saturn, Venus and the Sun are in your Aries sign?


Saturn will bring the element of patience in the impatient Arians. Venus will add a touch of affection to the mix and the Sun will amplify the aggressive nature of Mars.


When different planets are in one sign or in aspect from another sign the character of Arian I have recounted and listed in the Psychological Gifts will be blended with the Psychological Gifts of the aspecting planet.




There are basically two type of programming each human passes through. These two programming is as follows:

  1. The zodiac programming (Solar System Programming)
  2. The Belief programming


When a baby is born to a certain family they have a big effect on him energetically. This energy exchange between the family members and the growing baby can either prove detrimental or auspicious. Let’s say the mother of the baby is on drugs and does not take care of the baby properly. This energy of careless and unloving can become a part and parcel of the growing baby’s psyche. This energy can get let lodged into subconscious mind of the baby and can hamper psychological maturity. The reality of the growing baby hence forth will be I AM WORTHLESS and UNLOVEABLE.


This sort of energy effects from our personal homes can really affect our energy bodies. This energy effects can stay with us for a life time unless we consciously remove them with various spiritual methods such as meditation and soul work


Now we have a greater home too.


This greater home is the solar system in which our planet Earth exists in harmony with the other planets.


We could say that each planet in our solar system represents a family member. As I recounted earlier in the example above every family member leaves a score on our consciousness for good or bad.


The same goes for the planets in our solar system. The effect of the cosmic rays coming from planet Mars can create a lot of aggression instincts it while the cosmic rays from planet Jupiter can bring a lot good tidings and moments.


We will look at the effects of the cosmic rays later. For now we are going to look how the cosmic rays have an effect on our brains.


There are three stages of cosmic rays affecting our brain and programming them according to there frequencies. The stages are as follows:


1.      When and a male and female are having an intercourse, both their brain are affected by the cosmic rays coming from the stars according to their location place on Earth. These cosmic rays affecting the parent’s brains also affect the zygote.

2.      The second programming happens on about the 120th day of pregnancy. The cosmic rays affect the embryo.

3.      The third and the last programming happen when the baby leaves the protective magnetic field of the mother and enters the world. The brain undergoes heavy rain of cosmic rays


(As recounted in Ahmed Hulusi’s book Universal Mystereries Pg 146)


At each stage the cosmic rays affects the baby’s brain at varying states of growth. Each incoming ray has a certain frequency. The brain operates more or less like a tuning fork. When a sound of certain frequency is played the tuning fork in harmony with that frequency will vibrate. So when a certain cosmic ray of a given frequency falls on the baby’s brain at a certain period of pregnancy, it activates a given area of the brain.


At all these three stages the brain only activates roughly by 8.3% of the total area of the brain.


This sort of cosmic ray programming on our brain is referred to as DESTINY.


The brain area unaffected by the cosmic rays is referred to as the DORMANT AREA of the brain.


From the energy body point of view this dormant area of the brain is referred to as the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.


The brain area activated by the cosmic rays is referred to the WORKING AREA of the brain.


From the energy body point of view this working area of the brain is referred to as the CONSCIOUS MIND.


As a being of this solar system you were programmed appropriately by all the members of this system. After this programming there will be certain things that will be easier for you while you will find other things difficult. For example you might find you have deep interest in the occult studies. This subject really perks up your energy. On the other hand you might find playing physical games a drastic chore.


You can check the effects of this cosmic programming by comparing your self with your brothers and sisters. You might notice that though all of you are one blood but energetically you all are unique. One brother of yours might be weak in studies but paints great panoramic scenes. Your sister plays the violin so well with little tutoring. You on the other hand don’t have any talents of theirs but you have great insights on the human behaviour.


All these talents and gifts are nothing but activation of a certain area of our brain by the cosmic ray.


Each of us coming on this earth is a unique individual. There was no one of your likeness born on this Earth before neither will there be one in the future.


Fate is another word for Destiny.


You might have heard someone say that “It’s in my fate to suffer.”


May be you saw in one your daily soap a stepmother cursing her stepdaughter that its her destiny to lead a miserable life.


Many people go to fortune tellers to find out what awaits in their future. Thousands of people get swindled a lot of money because of their lack of understanding of the sciences surrounding destiny, thanks to their Astrologer.







Below is a model of our brain represented astrologically from the point of view of an Astrologer. The full circle represents the total area of the brain. The brain is then divided equally to 12 equal sizes of a pie. Each pie represents a part of the brain with its unique qualities and gifts.







  1. The first House is ruled by Aries (March 21 to April 19). This is masculine house. The element representing this house is FIRE.
  2. The Second House is ruled by Taurus (April 20 to May 20): This is a feminine house. The element representing this house is EARTH.
  3. The Third House is ruled by Gemini (May 21 to June 20).This is a masculine house. The element representing this house is AIR
  4. The Fourth House is ruled by Cancer (June 21 to July 22). This is a feminine house. The element representing this house is WATER.
  5.  The Fifth house is ruled by Leo (July 23 to August 22).This is a male house. The element representing this house is FIRE
  6. The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo (August 23 to September 22). This is a feminine house. The element representing this house is EARTH.
  7. The Seventh House is ruled by Libra (September 23 to October 22). This is a male house. The element representing this house is AIR.
  8. The Eighth House is ruled by Scorpio (October 23 to November 21). This is a feminine sign. The element representing this house is WATER
  9. The Ninth House is ruled by Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21).This is a male house. The element representing this house is FIRE.
  10. The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn (December 22 to January 19).This is a feminine house. The element representing this house is EARTH.
  11. The Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius (January 20 to February 18). This is a male house. The element representing this house is AIR.
  12. The twelfth house is ruled by Pisces (February 19 to March 20). This is a feminine house. The element representing this house is WATER.


There are six feminine houses and six male houses.


Each of us has certain area activated in the total 12 areas. This total activated area represents only 8.33% of the total brain area. Science says we approximately use 7 to 10% of our brain area.


An enlightened sages and saints have always said that in order to be enlightened we need to practice meditation till we get to the point of emptiness. Mind represents the energy body while the brain represents our physical body. That means in order for the mind to reach the state of emptiness the brain too must reach that level.


If I say that Janet is a very positive lady that means that her state of mind (energy body or spirit) is positive. So if we turn this equation to our physical body it implies that Janet has positive brain. Looking at the above brain model if we add all the overall activated areas of the houses it adds up to a positive (Male) for Janet’s brain


An enlighten sage will have 100% brain area activated. That means all the six negative (female) activated brain area houses if added to all the six positive (male) activated brain area houses add up to zero.


6 Males (+) added to 6 Females (-) = Zero


Zero means emptiness.


Emptiness means enlightenment or nirvana.


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